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  • Don’t chase. Attract success and abundance with this simple technique

Don’t chase. Attract success and abundance with this simple technique

In life, some people seem to move with ease. Everything they desire, they easily achieve.

Some other people strive to achieve very little. They work so hard yet only get little results.

The difference between these categories of people isn’t physical. It’s not their lifestyle. It’s not hard work, as most people assume.

It’s what is within them. As simple as this sounds, it’s one of the hardest things to understand.

Let me shock you.

In research done by Havard, out of every 100 people alive, only 5 will become successful.

Yeah, only 5% out of every 100

Do you know why the other 95% will fail? They carry similar things within.

This shouldn’t be a problem ordinarily because man is social by nature, except that 95% of people carry thoughts and mindsets from the lower plane.

What the lower plane is and how it came to be

The lower plane is the realm of darkness. It is the realm of fear, doubt, anxiety, anger, and anything evil.

The way you can identify thoughts and emotions from the lower plane is that they’re usually heavy and overwhelming.

Thoughts from this plane are usually hate-filled, fear-filled (fear of poverty and fear of death), envious, jealous, etc

This realm is engineered by demons.

Their food is to torment humans as much as possible.

The higher plane

This is the realm of God

This is the realm of love and light.

It is usually positive, and it’s very attractive in a person.

It draws people to you.

Thoughts on the higher plane are usually creative because the father is a creator. This realm is infinite and abundant.

Good things like generosity, kindness, love, compassion, and love exist on this plane.

How your plane of thoughts creates your reality

Your mind is an alter. It is the means through which we connect back to the Father.

It is the connector to the divine. So the things you think about get sent to heaven as a prayer.

And it's even more powerful when it’s backed by our emotions.

When you make the two one*, you* will become sons of man, and when you say: Mountain, move away, it will move away.

Now, the divine is very generous. Our prayers get answered and sent back to us in physical form.

That’s why most religions’ books warn their members to adhere strictly to thinking good and lovely thoughts.

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.

It is a law that our most dominant thoughts will always come back to us in physical form.

This is what forms the basis for the law of attraction.

It is a law, and it doesn’t care whether you’re thinking thoughts of fear, anger, or anxiety.

Your prayers will be answered because your Father in heaven gives to each man according to his heart's desires.

Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

How to stop thoughts from the lower plane

We’re mostly drawn to the lower realm because the matrix designed it so (I’ll explain in another post).

The news, people around you, social media, and traditional media plant things in your mind that draw you to the lower plane.

They do this by instilling thoughts of fear, anxiety, and negativity in you.

The more you dwell on these thoughts, the more intimate you become with the lower plane.

The long-term effect is that it blocks your chakras.

After a while, you don’t even know the difference between your mind and what these planes have deposited in you through intimacy.

You think you’re shy, nervous, anxious, dull, sick, depressed, or addicted. Etc

Check well.

Your Heavenly Father is a perfect creator. He created all the good things in life. The birds, the trees, the sky, rivers, the wind, stones—they’re all beautiful. He never made you that way.

Think about when you were a child. You were loving, adventurous, smiled a lot, and weren’t fearful. You were creative and expressive.

You said what you wanted to be without fear of criticism and genuinely believed that you would be that.

I guess you now know what changed.

There are two ways to break from the lower plane and move yourself back to the higher plane:

  1. Prayer

  2. Meditation

Long hours of prayer take you back to the higher plane. Prayer creates intimacy with the divine, and when you pray for long enough, you start moving back up to the realm above.

Meditation: Meditation helps you separate your mind from thoughts that come from without. You already have God inside of you. You’re an extension of God.

Meditation helps you listen more to the beautiful and creative whisperings of the Father than to lower entities trying to manipulate your thoughts.

Let me also add that we’re in constant warfare against the lower plane as long as we’re on Earth.

The war never stops. There are more demons than humans on earth, and they’ll always be looking for a human to have intimacy with.

Don’t be a vessel.