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Everything You Desire Will Come To You : How To Make The Universe Work For You

Everything starts with the mind....

Your 3D world is a manifestation of your thoughts.

Everything starts with the mind.

3D gives the mind expression. So whatever is in the mind takes form in the 3D world. This then becomes our experience in life.

Thoughts of lack = a life of lack

Thoughts of abundance = a life of abundance

When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realise that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty, and it is you who are that poverty.”

  • Book of Thomas

The process that creates our reality is also capable of changing it at any given time.

So if a man wants to change his reality, he has to start with his thoughts.

Based on the laws of life, anything we’re not changing, we’re intentionally choosing.

And the law of growth supervises its multiplication.

We must be intentional about what we want; otherwise, life will give us anything and we’ll accept it because we don’t know better.

See your mind as soil. It takes intentionality to plant a seed and nurture it until it yields fruit. Weed, on the other hand, grows, without any effort. They could even override your plant.

The physical world is temporary 

We grew up looking at the world in 3D.

What we didn’t know is that anything here is temporary. It’s an illusion.

Set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above [the heavenly things], not on things that are on the earth [which have only temporal value].

  • Col 3:2

Looking for things without (the physical realm) is what we’re familiar with. However, there’s a better way.

Everything you’re looking for that would make life easy has been given to you. Joy, happiness, love, wealth, harmonious relationships, and respect are all contained within us.

The problem with looking for things in 3D (physical realm) is that it’s unusually hard. Some people never find it, and some people do. And when they do, they don't know how to replicate the result because they don’t know how they really got it.

That’s why it feels like life is a struggle.

We just haven’t realised the power that we have as offsprings of God.

The ignorance of what’s within will constantly put someone in a place of lack, want, fear, and doubt. Basically, all low vibrational energy.

And when these thoughts are dominant, they become his reality. So even though he’s working hard to change the conditions in his life, he’s still living in a state of poverty.

The conscious and the subconscious 

Most of the things, the Father gave us were in twos, eyes, ears, hands, feet, kidneys, intestines even our minds.

The conscious is the individual. It is his reality and it is expressed in the earth realm.

The subconscious, on the other hand, is a part of the father. Although it’s a part of the individual, it’s a part of the universe.

It connects everyone to the universal. Basically, we’re all connected in the physical realm.

All is one. One is all.

The kingdom of God is within you  —  Luke 17:21

So you’re connected to the homeless guy who begs you for money, and the rich billionaire that you don’t like is also connected to the universal mind.

Nothing on this plane exists in isolation. It was created first in the mind of the universe way before it existed in the physical.

As above, so below.

So money exists in the spirit realm. Love exists there. Anything you want is infinite in the universal mind.

How, then do you get what you want from the universal mind?

  1. Send out the thought. Thoughts in the conscious mind are vibrations. It vibrates to the universal mind.

  2. Back it up with the powerful emotion of faith. Faith here means believing that you’ll get your answer. You believe that you deserve your answer. It must align in your subconscious mind.

  3. Send it out multiple times a day

  4. Start living in a state of the desired result.

What you seek will come through people or circumstances. A lot of times, it’ll Play out like a coincidence, but it’s not.

Once you’ve mastered this, you can ask anything you want from the universe, and you’ll have it.

The next time you catch yourself pursuing things in the physical world, pause for a moment and come back to this.

seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you

Everyone can shift their lives from a realm of lack to a realm of abundance. It just takes practise and consistency.

Always remember to be generous with your blessings.

If you don't feel like reading the text, I also narrated it on YouTube with nice visuals.