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Manifest 10x Faster. Affirm Positive Things Daily.

Words move at a certain frequency....

Words move at a certain frequency.

Every word we speak has the potential to become true over time.

And when a specific statement is repeated, even if it is not based on fact, it becomes true.

Do you know why?

Let me take you back to the beginning.

In the beginning, the father created everything using words.

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

This world, as we perceive it, is merely a projection of the mind and words. Everything here is temporary and can be changed using the mind and words.

Nothing here is permanent.

You can change your life and physical form using words.

This is the secret to how witches cast spells. They use words to create/alter a condition.

This research by Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf revealed that human language carries frequency and has the capacity to change DNA.

Many people are unaware of this.

When we speak, we validate things in both the 3D realm and the 4th dimension.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

How can we use our words to change our lives?

The unseen realm governs this realm.

Everything you observe here is a manifestation of what already exists in the unseen realm.

Every invention or idea first existed in someone’s mind before becoming a physical reality.

The fascinating aspect of the unseen realm is that abundance permeates it. It is infinite.

There are several ways to change things in the unseen realm, including our words and imagination.

We are the offspring of the father. We were created in his image and likeness.

Just like God the Father created with words, we also possess the ability to create in both the seen and unseen realms if we understand how.

Simple steps to manifest your desires:

Speak of what you want to bring into existence.

Repeat as frequently as possible. I suggest in the morning, during the day, and before bed.

That’s all. You don’t need to believe in this law. Just follow the instructions, and you will start seeing results over time.

When there is light, darkness disappears. Whenever negative thoughts arise.

Words are not reality; they change reality.

By learning and practising, reality can change. The immaterial is the true reality.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God